With extensive experience working for residents and businesses in Bristol since 2012, Evolution Heating can help with all central heating, combi boiler repair, gas and plumbing services.

Bris­tol plumber services

We cov­er all areas of domes­tic plumb­ing systems

  • Show­er and bath­room installations
  • Fault find­ing and leaks
  • Hot and cold water supplies
  • Under­floor heating
  • Wash­ing machine and dish­wash­er installation
  • Radi­a­tor installs, relo­ca­tions and ther­mo­sta­t­ic radi­a­tor valves (TRVs)
  • Noisy pipework
  • Open-vent­ed systems
  • Water fil­ters and softeners

Gas boil­er service

A boil­er ser­vice is an essen­tial part of look­ing after your gas appli­ance and should be under­tak­en every 12 months. This is par­tic­u­lar­ly impor­tant on new instal­la­tions where a man­u­fac­tur­er-backed extend­ed war­ran­ty is includ­ed and there is a claim dur­ing the war­ran­ty peri­od — the man­u­fac­tur­er may refuse to repair the boil­er under their terms and con­di­tions. A prop­er­ly main­tained boil­er will ensure that the appli­ance remains effi­cient, is burn­ing cor­rect­ly and above all safe.

All ser­vices are car­ried out by Gas Safe Reg­is­tered engineers.

Cen­tral heat­ing installation

We spe­cialise in full cen­tral heat­ing design and instal­la­tion, high effi­cien­cy boil­er replace­ments and sys­tem con­trol upgrades. The effi­cien­cy of the boil­er is the main fac­tor in the over­all effi­cien­cy of a domes­tic cen­tral heat­ing sys­tem. This in turn has a major impact on run­ning costs and CO² emis­sions. We pro­vide free esti­mates and will help you choose a sys­tem that best suits you, your lifestyle and your budget.

Land­lord safe­ty certificates

If you are a land­lord you have a legal duty under the Gas Safe­ty (Instal­la­tion and Use) Reg­u­la­tions 1998 to main­tain all appli­ances and flues, which you have pro­vid­ed for your ten­ants to use and have them checked for safe­ty at least once every 12 months. Our Bris­tol based Gas Safe Reg­is­tered boil­er engi­neers will run exten­sive tests to make sure all sys­tems are run­ning prop­er­ly, ensur­ing no dan­ger to your prop­er­ty or tenants.

Pow­er flushing

A pow­er­ful pump using fresh water flow under con­trolled con­di­tions is used to remove debris and sludge from your cen­tral heat­ing sys­tem. This improves water flow and heat­ing effi­cien­cy sav­ing mon­ey on ener­gy bills as well as the life­time and reli­a­bil­i­ty of your sys­tem. A pro­tec­tor is then added to pre­vent future attack from cor­ro­sion or lime scale. An impor­tant process when installing new boil­ers into old sys­tems to remove all sludge, oth­er­wise it could accu­mu­late in the new boil­er and lead to pre­ma­ture failure.

Ener­gy efficiency

Ener­gy used in the home is respon­si­ble for more than a quar­ter of the UK’s car­bon diox­ide emis­sions. Reduc­ing the amount of ener­gy you use for heat­ing is one of the most impor­tant things you can do to help reduce cli­mate change as well as sav­ing mon­ey on bills. 

We can look at your exist­ing sys­tem and pro­vide you with a range of cost effec­tive solu­tions to boost your ener­gy per­for­mance rat­ing (part of the ener­gy per­for­mance cer­tifi­cate, a com­pul­so­ry doc­u­ment includ­ed in home infor­ma­tion packs).

All our plumbing and services for the Bristol area

  • Com­bi boilers
  • Con­dens­ing boilers
  • Un-vent­ed cylinders
  • Heat­ing sys­tem zoning
  • Smart ther­mostats
  • NEST instal­la­tion
  • Pow­er flushing
  • Ther­mo­sta­t­ic radi­a­tor valves (TRVs)
  • Gas fires
  • Range cook­ers
  • Gas hobs
  • Water heaters
  • Decom­mis­sion­ing
  • Solar ther­mal
  • Bath­room installations
  • Under­floor heating
  • Show­er instal­la­tion and repair
  • Wash­ing machine and dish­wash­er installation
  • Noisy pipework fixed
  • Open-vent­ed systems
  • Water fil­ters and softeners
  • Fault find­ing and leaks
  • Hot and cold water supplies

Evo­lu­tion Heat­ing are an ATAG select­ed partner

Julian, Bris­tol

Look, to have some­one you can rely on, when you have not only ten­ants to ser­vice but prop­er­ty to main­tain, is every­thing nowa­days. So far as I have used Evo­lu­tion Heat­ing — more than once that is — Oliv­er has lived up to all expec­ta­tions with prompt response, prompt ser­vice and very com­pet­i­tive costs. He was rec­om­mend­ed to us by anoth­er sat­is­fied land­lord cus­tomer and we too feel con­fi­dent in both his tech­ni­cal abil­i­ties and his assurances.

J. Hay­ers, Bristol

Oliv­er man­aged to squeeze us into his busy sched­ule to get our heat­ing back on again after the boil­er broke down. He talked us through options to fix com­mon faults on the ini­tial phone call to try and save us hav­ing to call him out which was appre­ci­at­ed. The issue was more seri­ous and this was diag­nosed and repaired very quick­ly and effi­cient­ly. Would recommend.

G. John­son & A. Elms, Bristol

We just want­ed to take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to sin­cere­ly thank you for your excel­lent, effi­cient and speedy ser­vice after two recent call outs. We have no hes­i­ta­tion in rec­om­mend­ing your com­pa­ny. Please feel free to use this com­men­da­tion on your web­site. With thanks and kind regards.

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