Evolution Heating Limited is a small Bristol based company specialising in energy efficient solutions and installations since 2012. We are Gas Safe registered and insured to undertake all domestic and small commercial plumbing and gas work.

We pride ourselves in the most up to date knowledge and qualifications and continue to invest in ourselves through accredited training schemes, NVQ’s, attending various manufacturers’ boiler courses and visiting numerous trade shows every year to keep up to date with the latest products and technology. We will only use approved materials and fittings in accordance with current standards and building regulations. This ensures that our customers receive the best possible service at a competitive price.

Our quotes are free, and prices are clear with no hidden extras.

Why not give us a call on +44 (0)7790 355 482 to discuss your needs with no obligation 👍

Evo­lu­tion Heat­ing are an ATAG select­ed partner

Jes­si­ca, Bris­tol, com­bi-boil­er install

Ollie and co did a great job replac­ing our old boil­er, flush­ing the sys­tem and bal­anc­ing the rads. Friend­ly, effi­cient and car­ing. They stayed late on the cold­est day of the year to make sure we wouldn’t freeze overnight! Legends!!

G. John­son & A. Elms, Bristol

We just want­ed to take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to sin­cere­ly thank you for your excel­lent, effi­cient and speedy ser­vice after two recent call outs. We have no hes­i­ta­tion in rec­om­mend­ing your com­pa­ny. Please feel free to use this com­men­da­tion on your web­site. With thanks and kind regards.

Julian, Bris­tol

Look, to have some­one you can rely on, when you have not only ten­ants to ser­vice but prop­er­ty to main­tain, is every­thing nowa­days. So far as I have used Evo­lu­tion Heat­ing — more than once that is — Oliv­er has lived up to all expec­ta­tions with prompt response, prompt ser­vice and very com­pet­i­tive costs. He was rec­om­mend­ed to us by anoth­er sat­is­fied land­lord cus­tomer and we too feel con­fi­dent in both his tech­ni­cal abil­i­ties and his assurances.

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