Ener­gy effi­cient plumb­ing and heat­ing solu­tions for Bristol

We are Gas Safe reg­is­tered and insured to under­take all domes­tic and small com­mer­cial plumb­ing and gas work.

Gas appli­ance instal­la­tion, smart con­trols, ser­vic­ing and maintenance

from the lat­est Nest Ther­mostats, to old­er tank-fed boil­er sys­tems – all with prac­ti­cal advice to gain the best ener­gy eff­i­cen­cy from your kit.

We ser­vice and repair boilers

Boiler brands

from a wide range of man­u­fac­tur­ers: BAXI, Pot­ter­ton, ATAG, Alpha, Glow-worm, Ide­al, Worces­ter Bosch, Vail­lant, Viessmann.

Evo­lu­tion Heat­ing are an ATAG select­ed partner


I found Oliv­er to be pro­fes­sion­al and help­ful. When an issue arose with fit­ting our cook­er, he was flex­i­ble and prag­mat­ic in sort­ing the issue out quick­ly and effec­tive­ly. A friend­ly effi­cient chap who I would recommend.

G. John­son & A. Elms, Bristol

We just want­ed to take this oppor­tu­ni­ty to sin­cere­ly thank you for your excel­lent, effi­cient and speedy ser­vice after two recent call outs. We have no hes­i­ta­tion in rec­om­mend­ing your com­pa­ny. Please feel free to use this com­men­da­tion on your web­site. With thanks and kind regards.

Claire, Bris­tol

Bril­liant ser­vice. Thor­ough­ly rec­om­mend. When our boil­er broke down, Oliv­er came out the same day that we called him, spent about an hour thor­ough­ly diag­nos­ing the prob­lem which was quite com­plex, then prompt­ly got the nec­es­sary parts and returned the next day and fixed it. I was real­ly impressed with his pro­fes­sion­al­ism and received real val­ue for money.

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